We have available here some of the recent ADAM NEWS NETWORK monthly disks.

You will find most of these files in ADAMemulator .DSK format. These will run under the ADAM emulator as a complete 160k disk. IF you want to put on your ADAM, simply use "dcopy" to put them back onto an ADAM disk. Use the dcopy.bat file listed below and type in dcopy <filename> and the file will magically appear on your ADAM disk placed in drive A: of your dosbox

Problems making it work?? E-mail us for help !!

As well as putting ADAM programming online, we are running old issues of The ADAM News Network - kind of a nastolgia Joe Blenkle's site of old Expandable Computer News newsletters. AS with Joe's site, do NOT send cash for programs or supplies to any address you find, user groups mentioned probably no longer exist, etc; but HAVE FUN !!!!!

dcopy.bat ADAMEM file format

Please feel free to contact me at the following address:
